Your Digital Marketing Strategy Prioritities

Over the past several months there's been significant changes in the Facebook and Instagram algorithms, most notably with Mark Zuckerburg’s announcement in January that content published from business pages will not be organically promoted on newsfeeds. This change means it’s likely a great time to re-evaluate your digital media strategy and ask yourself if you're prioritizing the key components.

  • Content

Is your content driving engagement with custom and curated posts? Are you featuring compelling images, videos and live feeds. Do you have a consistent and planned editorial calendar? Does it represent your voice, vision and message.  The anser to these questions should be a resounding "YES!"

  • Outreach

Are you being proactive or reactive with your audience? How are you using social media to reach your targets?

  • Data

Are you monitoring results and tracking your website data? Have you reviewed your audience profile? Have you set objectives?